Fun Coding Projects ideas that you can build over a weekend. These projects are a great way for you to improve your coding skills while having fun in the process.
A fun and competitive twist to the classic Bingo!
Are you ready to outsmart Alex, the bot? Only 1 in 10 players has beaten Alex.
Build a full-stack web application from scratch with no specific idea in mind
Visit website|More DetailsPick up a niche, whether it's a list of apps, websites, services, or anything else, and create a web directory for it.
More DetailsA word game inspired by the British panel show Countdown. You are given a set of 9 random characters and you have 60 seconds to come up with as many valid words as possible.
Play Game|More DetailsThe app should take users birthday as an input and return special age milestones, like when they turn 1,000 days old, 2,000 weeks, and so on.
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