100 Days of Reactjs challenges
Join the 100 day Reactjs coding challenge. Master Reactjs with daily challenges, projects, and expert guidance.
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Join the 100 day Reactjs coding challenge. Master Reactjs with daily challenges, projects, and expert guidance.
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Day 1 - Simple React App
- Understand the basics of React and its core concepts
- Create a simple React App
1. Introduction to React
- Learn what React is and why it's used
- Understand the concept of component-based architecture
- Learn about React's virtual DOM and its benefits
2. Set Up the Environment
- Install Node.js: Node.JS Download and Installation
- Install Create React App tool globally using the command npm install -g create-react-app
3. Create a Simple React App
- Create a New React Application using the command npx create-react-app my-first-react-app
- Start the Development Server using the command npm start
- Modify the code such that it returns Hello World! as a response
- View your React application by visiting the url http://localhost:3000
Day 2 - JSX Basics
Understand and use JSX to render elements
Day 3 - Functional Components
Create a functional component and render it
Day 4 - Props
Pass data to a component using props
Day 5 - State Basics
Manage and update component state
Day 6 - Event Handling
Handle events like button clicks in React
Day 7 - Conditional Rendering
Render components conditionally based on state
Day 8 - Lists and Keys
Render a list of items using the map function
Day 9 - Forms
Create a simple form and handle user input
Day 10 - Lifting State Up
Lift state to a common ancestor component
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