100 Days of Python challenges
Join the 100 day Python coding challenge. Master Python with daily challenges, projects, and expert guidance.
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Join the 100 day Python coding challenge. Master Python with daily challenges, projects, and expert guidance.
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Day 1 - Hello, World!
2. Add single-line and multi-line comments to your code
Reading List:
1. How does Python compile and run the code?
2. Learn the difference between Python and Java
3. Difference between Compiler and Interpreter
Day 2 - Variables
- name: String
- age: Integer
- height: Floating-point number
- is_student: Boolean
- email: None (representing a null value)
- siblings: List
- address: Dictionary containing street and city
Reading List:
1. Learn the terms: initialization, declaration and assignment of variables
2. Learn the difference between Dynamically typed and Statically typed variables
Day 3 - Input and Output
Basic Input and Output:
Write a program that reads a single input from the user and prints it to the console.
For example, if the user enters their name, the program should output: ""Hello, {name}""
Handling Different Data Types:
Extend the program to read and print different types of inputs. Ensure the inputs are properly converted to their respective types and then printed. The program should ask the user to enter:
- A string
- An integer
- A floating-point number
Reading List:
1. Explore various methods for reading different type of inputs
2. Learn about formatting options such as precision, alignment, and decimal places to present output in a clear and concise manner
Day 4 - Basic Operators and Expressions
Write a program to perform the following arithmetic operations using two numbers:
- Addition (+)
- Subtraction (-)
- Multiplication (*)
- Division (/)
- Floor Division (//)
- Modulus (%)
- Exponentiation (**)
Relational Operators
Write a program to compare two numbers using the following operators:
- Equal to (==)
- Not equal to (!=)
- Greater than (>)
- Less than (<)
- Greater than or equal to (>=)
- Less than or equal to (<=)
Logical Operators
Write a program that evaluates the following between 2 booleans(True or False):
- Logical AND (and)
- Logical OR (or)
- Logical NOT (not)
Day 5 - Conditional Statements and Loops
- Write a program that takes an integer as input and checks if it's even or odd.
- Write a program that takes an age as input and determines if the person is a child, teenager, adult, or senior citizen.
Nested If-else Statements
- Using nested if-else, write a program that takes three numbers as input and determines the largest among them.
For Loop
- Write a program to calculate the sum of all numbers up to the given input number.
While Loop
- Write a program to calculate the factorial of a given number.
Day 6 - Functions and Code Reusability
Simple Function
Define and call a simple function greet_user which takes name as a parameter. The function should print 'Hello, name' to the console.
Default and Keyword Arguments
Update the greet_user function by adding a default value 'Guest' for the name parameter. When the function is called without an argument it should print 'Hello, Guest' to the console.
Function with Return Values
Write a function that calculates and returns the area of a rectangle. The function should take length and breadth as the arguments.
Variable Scope
To understand the difference between local and global variables, follow these steps:
1. Define a global variable and print its value.
2. Write a function and assign a new value to the same varible inside the function and then print it.
3. Print the variable again outside the function again to observe that its value didn't change.
4. Write another function that access the global variable using the global keyword and then update its value.
5. Print the variable again outside the function. Verify that it's value now got updated.
You'll notice that in step 3, whatever changes made inside the function in step 2 are not reflected but in step 5 when you use the global keyword the variable value gets updated. This shows how the global keyword is used to modify global variables from within a function.
Day 7 - Temparature Conversion
Day 8 - Simple Calculator
Day 9 - Random number generator
Day 10 - For-loop
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