Java Roadmap

Day 48: Spring Boot: REST API with Spring MVC

  • Learn the basics of Spring MVC's Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture for building REST APIs. Explore controllers, handling requests and responses, and data binding.
  • Building a Simple API: Implement a controller in your Spring Boot application to expose a RESTful API endpoint that returns a JSON object containing name, email and age.
  • Use annotations @RestController and @RequestMapping to define the controller and endpoint and @GetMapping to handle GET requests
  • RESTful API Design: Learn about RESTful principles and how to design well-structured APIs. This includes using appropriate HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) for different operations on resources. Implement the following APIs on the User class. Use a simple HashMap to store the Users details.
  • [GET] An API with path variable /user/{id} which returns the user details with id
  • [POST] An API with path variable /user which creates a new User and adds to the Hashmap and then returns the user details
  • [PUT] An API with path variable /user/{id} which updates the user details with id
  • [DELETE] An API with path variable /user/{id} which deletes the user details with id from the HashMap

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