Java Roadmap
Day 38: Exception Handling
Exception Handling in programming allows you to handle any unexpected errors that may occur during your program execution.
Implement the following programs and handle the exceptions:
- Read an integer and prints its square - Handle NumberFormatException when user enters a non-numeric input
- Implement a division method that takes 2 integers as parameters and returns their division. Handle ArithmeticException when the second integer is 0
- Read a file and prints its contents - Handle FileNotFoundException when the file does not exist
Day 38 - Exception Handling
Exception Handling in programming allows you to handle any unexpected errors that may occur during your program execution.
Implement the following programs and handle the exceptions:
- Read an integer and prints its square - Handle NumberFormatException when user enters a non-numeric input
- Implement a division method that takes 2 integers as parameters and returns their division. Handle ArithmeticException when the second integer is 0
- Read a file and prints its contents - Handle FileNotFoundException when the file does not exist
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