Prepare for your FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Google) interviews like a pro with our FAANG Interview Preparation guide! This focused resource is designed to accompany you every step of the way as you embark on your 100-day journey to FAANG interview success. Join us on this transformative 100-day quest to ace your next FAANG interview!
Day | Algorithms | System Design |
1 | Valid Anagrams | URL Shortening Service |
2 | Valid Parentheses | CAP Theorem |
3 | Plus One | ACID Tranactions |
4 | Palindrome Partitioning | Content Delivery Network (CDN) |
5 | Combination Sum | Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling |
6 | Group Anagrams | Domain Name System (DNS) |
7 | Jump Game | Latency vs Throughput |
8 | Merge Intervals | Load Balancing |
9 | Unique Paths | Caching Patterns |
10 | Climbing Stairs | SQL vs NoSQL |
11 | Minimum Window Substring | Database Indexes |
12 | Combinations | Database Sharding |
13 | Remove Duplicates from Sorted List | Idempotency |
14 | Word Search | Strong vs Eventual Consistency |
15 | Partition List | Batch Processing vs Stream Processing |
16 | Unique Binary Search Trees | Concurrency vs Parallelism |
17 | Path Sum | Synchronous vs. asynchronous communications |
18 | Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List | Rest vs RPC |
19 | Sum Root to Leaf Numbers | Reverse Proxy |
20 | Reverse Words in a String | Rate Limiting |
21 | Min Stack | Redundancy and Replication |
22 | Burst Balloons | Fault Tolerance |
23 | Coin Change | Failover |
24 | Course Schedule | WebSockets |
25 | Network Delay Time | Microservices Architecture |
26 | Sum of Distances in Tree | API Design |
27 | Shortest Path with Alternating Colors | Message Queues |
28 | Sliding Window Maximum | Proxy Server |
29 | Find Median from Data Stream | Circuit Breaker |
30 | Longest Increasing Subsequence | Checksum |
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