Which programming should I learn first? use for my project? is the best?
It depends
On what?
What are you building? Web-based or mobile app? Is it frontend-heavy or backend-heavy? Are you gonna use ML models? How many users will be using it? Do you handle real-time or asynchronous tasks? So on..
Which Database should I learn first? use? best?
It depends
On what?
How much data will you store? Is it structured or unstructured? How important is reliability? Real-time data or batch processing?..
Which frontend framework should I use? ..?
You guessed it, It Depends
I will answer It Depends again and again based on your replies till all the requirements are clear.
There’s no one size fits answer to all these questions. These questions help you gain clarity on what you’re building.
The internet is an ocean of knowledge where the popular tools gets the most votes. But as you start working on new projects, you’ll need the right tool for your specific needs, not the popular one.
Ask the right questions and you’ll be redirected to the right tools.
Remember, everyone has their own preferences, and they might suggest tools based on what they like, not necessarily what's best for you. So, when someone offers a suggestion, don't accept it at face value. Ask why they recommend it, then decide based on your unique problem.
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